There is a common misconception that people fail at diets because they lack will-power. The truth of the matter is that diets fail people – every single time. Our bodies and our minds are not meant to diet, and if our body is forced to eat less than what it needs each day, it will...
Tag: food
Be Your Own Food Tribe – Just do Food
According to a recent study, one-in-three Australians exclude specific food groups from their diet – including wheat or gluten, dairy and/or animal products. My observation within my practice is that this number may be even higher. Every day I hear conversations around what food movement people follow and it seems that this food avoidance is...
Food, Mood, Gut & Depression
Food can affect our mood, and indeed our mood can affect the food choices that we make. Many studies around the world are showing that the same nourishing dietary patterns which improve your physical health can also have a protective effect against depressive disorders. Conversely, dietary patterns which are very high in ultra-processed foods (refined...
Healthy gut, healthy body and healthy mind … what a powerful connection
The gut microbiome (collection of gut bacteria) is hot topic. There are over 100 trillion gut bacteria living in the gut. Increasing evidence is supporting the view that the gut is the centre of our body and the cornerstone of our health and well-being. The gut carries messages directly to the brain via the vagus...
Summer Food Entertaining
When we think of the summer holidays, we associate this with family, friends, plentiful food and holidays that keep rolling on. Yes, holidays can be an indulgence – however if you eat smart, plan well and adapt a few dishes, your body will thank you for the nourishment that you provide. Centre your entertaining menu...
Activate your Energy Levels with the Food Choices you make
Energy is one of the body’s most precious resources and one that is so directly affected by the busy “switched-on” lives we lead, the food we eat, the activity we do, and the sleep we get. The good news is there are many things that you can do each day to increase your energy and...
Reduce your Food Waste in the Home
Are you guilty of throwing out spoiled fruit and vegetables from the crisper after you have done your weekly grocery shop; binning yoghurts past their use-by date; finding three sour creams at the back of the fridge that you buy just in case; and finding that week-old leftover meat that you were supposed to make...
Boosting your Immune System with Food for Winter
As the cooler months settle in and the prevalence of the common cold and respiratory infections increase, how can you improve your immunity with the foods you choose? When your immune system is run-down (possibly with stress or poor lifestyle choices) you will be more prone to infection or illness. Ensure that you get some...
Stretch your dollar further with healthy eating at home
Certain trends are evident in our fast-paced lives today – increasing living costs, feeling time poor and our tendency to spend too much money on foods outside of the home. But, you can deliver nourishing and wholesome food to your family that is both budget and time friendly. Meal planning and smart shopping Taking fifteen...